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Assurance emprunteur ou prêt hypothécaire?

The life mortgage often allows you to borrow when you can no longer afford loan insurance at retirement.
Senior citizen who buys loan insurance

Au moment de faire un emprunt bancaire, la banque va très souvent demander de souscrire une assurance de prêt et une garantie. Avez-vous le choix? Quelle est la meilleure solution? Nous vous donnons les clés pour y voir clair.

Guarantees and insurance for a bank loan

A bank loan is a loan of money granted by a credit institution to a borrower, in return for the payment of interest and the repayment of the capital loaned according to a certain schedule. To ensure that the borrower will be able to pay the monthly loan installments, the bank checks that the borrower's income is sufficient. However, certain life events can affect the borrower's ability to repay. Insurance and guarantees are means that the bank can put in place to secure the repayment of the credit.

Definition of Loan Insurance

The loan insurance takes over from the borrower when a life hazard makes it impossible to pay the monthly loan payments. In case of work stoppage due to an illness or an accident for example, the loan insurance intervenes to cover the monthly loan payments in the place of the borrower. In the event of death, the insurance proceeds to the full repayment of the outstanding amount to the bank.

It can be proposed by the credit institution directly, but you should know that several successive reforms (Lagarde, Hamon, Bourquin and finally Lemoine) have facilitated the change of borrower's insurance and allowed to subscribe sometimes in better conditions an insurance in delegation.

Definition of the guarantee

La garantie est un dispositif qui permet à la banque d’être remboursé en cas d’impayés par l’emprunteur, pour les sommes non couvertes par l’assurance de prêt. Il existe deux principaux types de garanties: la caution et l’hypothèque.

The guarantee is a commitment made by a third party, for example the Crédit Logement, to the bank, to pay the remaining loan in case of default of the borrower. The organization providing the guarantee will then proceed with the dialogue and the recourse towards the borrower to help him to repay his debt.

The mortgage is a real right granted to the banking institution on a real estate as a guarantee of the credit. In case of non-repayment of the loan, the bank is free to seize the property to sell it in order to be repaid. The mortgage must be the object of a notarial act and be published at the land registry office, and thus has a considerable cost.

L’assurance emprunteur est-elle obligatoire?

L’assurance emprunteur n’est pas légalement obligatoire, mais en pratique la banque en fait une condition de l’octroi d’un crédit. En particulier pour un crédit immobilier, il est la plupart du temps impossible d’obtenir le crédit sans en souscrire une. Pour un crédit à la consommation, les pratiques des établissements de crédit sont différentes: l’assurance est proposée, mais vous pourrez très bien prendre un crédit à la consommation sans souscrire une assurance.

The guarantee, on the other hand, is almost systematic. According to the annual survey on housing finance carried out by the ACPR, less than 5% of home loans are taken out without any guarantee. Approximately 65% of the real estate loans are guaranteed by a guarantee and approximately 25% are guaranteed by a mortgage or an Inscription en Privilège de Prêteur de Deniers (IPPD).

Contrary to the Anglo-Saxon countries where the use of the mortgage is anchored in the habits, the loan of money in France is generally associated with the installation of an insurance on the head of the borrower rather than a guarantee on the good. Banks in France are much less accustomed to dealing with mortgages and foreclosures and prefer to ask for a guarantee, associated with a borrower's insurance.

Qu’est-ce qu’un prêt hypothécaire?

Definition of a mortgage

Le prêt hypothécaire est un prêt d’argent fait avec la mise en place d’une garantie hypothécaire. Le principe est simple: la banque prend en garantie un bien immobilier. Il peut s’agir du bien immobilier objet du financement, ou bien d’un autre bien immobilier que possède déjà l’emprunteur.

In general, this security taken by the bank will make it less necessary to take out loan insurance. Nevertheless, even in the case of a mortgage loan, it may be in your interest to take out loan insurance to protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of life's hazards. For example, in the event of the death of a co-borrower in a couple, the capital paid by the insurer may allow the surviving co-borrower to keep the property.

Mortgage for wealth purposes

If you already own a property, and you wish to obtain liquidity, you can consider taking out a loan against your property, on the same model as an asset-based loan for which a financial asset would be used as collateral (life insurance, PEA).

Quelle différence entre prêt hypothécaire et prêt viager hypothécaire?

The difference lies in the definition of the word "life". A life mortgage is a loan granted in exchange for the taking of a mortgage on a property, but the duration of the loan is not known in advance, since the loan runs for life. It is only at the time of the borrower's death that the bank will demand the repayment of the capital and interest. There is an option to repay the interest monthly, but in any case the repayment of the capital can only be required at the end of the loan.

Ces deux types de prêt s’adressent aux personnes qui sont propriétaires d’un bien immobilier, mais ils visent des catégories de population différentes: le prêt viager hypothécaire va plutôt être destinée aux personnes âgées, retraités, qui veulent obtenir des liquidités et n’ont plus la possibilité d’être financées par des banques en raison de leur âge.

To learn more about the maximum age for borrowing, please see this article.

Quelle solution pour les retraités?

In retirement, there are many projects that may require significant cash flow. Whether it's to renovate your property, pay off debts, make a gift to your children or grandchildren, or finance home care, there are many opportunities to seek a financing solution.

In France, 75% of senior citizens over 60 years of age own their own property. They therefore have significant assets that can be converted into cash to carry out their projects. The life mortgage or the partial sale proposed by Dillan are relevant solutions to consider.

Prêt hypothécaire: avantages pour l'emprunteur

- Accès à un montant de prêt plus important basé sur la valeur du bien hypothéqué, avec possibilité d'hypothéquer plusieurs propriétés.
- Utilisable pour divers achats, y compris l'immobilier ou des biens de consommation.
- Période de remboursement allongée, pouvant atteindre 30 ans.
- Option de remboursement anticipé.

Assurance emprunteur: avantages pour l'emprunteur

- Protège contre les risques de baisse soudaine de revenus due à une maladie, un accident, une perte d'emploi ou d'autres aléas de la vie.
- En cas d'imprévu, l'assureur prend en charge le remboursement du capital restant dû, évitant l'activation de garanties lourdes telles que l'hypothèque ou le cautionnement, qui peuvent mener à la saisie du logement.