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Installing solar panels at home

In the current context, taking advantage of your roof to install solar panels is an attractive prospect. Dillan takes stock of the situation for you.
Solar panels on a roof

Rising cost of electricity, energy transition, the current context pushes many of us to wonder about the installation of solar panels, to adopt renewable energy while making savings in the long term. Whether it is the choice of the type of panels, the steps of installation, the cost, the profitability and even the financial aid, we thought of everything for you!

Panneaux photovoltaïques ou thermiques, que choisir?

La première décision à prendre concerne le type de panneaux, photovoltaïques ou thermiques? En guise d'éclaircissement, voici quelques explications.

The solar thermal captures the energy of the sun and uses it to produce hot water. This water is then kept in a storage tank. It is also used to supply your radiators.

Photovoltaic solar energy is used to produce electricity from solar energy. This electricity can be used to power your home.

Installing solar panels, instructions for use:

Many commercial sites now offer solar kits that you can install yourself. The goal is to offer an "easy" installation, however you will be quickly lost if you do not have the technical vocabulary and some electrical skills.

We have searched and gathered for you a complete tutorial, you will find it by following this link.

L’investissement de départ:

En 2022, les prix des panneaux solaires photovoltaïque ont chuté fortement pour avoisiner:

- From 9 000€ to 13 000€ for a 3 kWp installation (kWp = kilowatt-peak, power of the installation);

- From 15 000€ to 19 000€ for a power of 6kWc ;

- From 20 000€ to 25 000€ for a power of 9 kWp.

Être rentable avec ses panneaux solaires:

Of all the good reasons to switch to solar panels, the question of the profitability of solar panels is often the most asked. On the long term, investing in solar panels to produce electricity is a profitable operation.

In order to reassure those who are hesitant to install solar panels, let's remind them that solar panels that comply with French and European standards have an average lifespan of 30 years, and are now a lucrative solution in the long term.

By opting for self-consumption, you can use all your electricity production for the needs of your household. It greatly reduces your electricity bill. With full resale, you can sell everything you produce, so you must use the public grid for your personal needs.

Finally, you can choose the hybrid option, which consumes the electricity you produce and sells the remaining electricity. This is usually the most cost-effective option.

Les aides financières:

L'aide financière offerte aux familles qui décident d'installer des panneaux solaires dans leur maison a évolué au fil des ans, avec par exemple, et sous conditions:

- La prime à l’autoconsommation: une prime distribuée sur 5 ans par l'entité à laquelle vous vendez votre surplus d'électricité ;

- A reduced VAT rate of 10% instead of the usual 20%;

- Financial assistance from local authorities, depending on where you live.

To find out if local or regional assistance is available in the geographical area of the home you wish to install, check with your local area, department or region. Certain conditions apply to qualify for this assistance, so don't hesitate to ask before proceeding with the installation.

L'installation de panneaux solaires chez soi présente donc de nombreux avantages: contribution à la transition vers les énergies renouvelables, économies financières sur le long terme. L'installation technique peut s'avérer compliquée et il est judicieux de faire appel à un installateur spécialisé, adressez-vous à un professionnel qui saura vous guider pour avoir l'installation solaire la plus rentable ! Dillan peut vous proposer des solutions de financement afin de financer votre installation de panneaux solaires, pour en savoir plus, visitez le site Dillan.